Points Total
Team USA
Team Canada
Event Rules
Affillated Club













1. TEAM: Each Team consists of 10 to 20 Players and 2 Alternates.



2. TYPE OF COMPETITION: A team of two players plays the opposing team of two players in a four ball (better-ball of partners) Foursomes (alternate Shot) and Singles match.


3. SPIRIT OF THE GAME: unlike many sports, golf is played for most part, without the supervision of a referee or umpire. The game relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the rules. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of the game of golf.


4. TEAM CAPTAINS: Each team will have a captain. The captain will be in charge of communicating to the other captain any issue at hand.


5. PLAYER LISTS: Team captains should prepare a list of their team players and exchange this list with the opponent’s captain twelve days prior of the match.


6. TEES PLACEMENT:  Blue Tees. Approx. 6500 yards. Both Trustees will set up tees with the Head Pro of Mallard Creek Golf Club and will have Flag Placement info given to all Players of both side.


7. ORDER OF PLAY: The order of play shall be agreed upon by both team captains prior to the match.



8. SCORING: FOUR –BALL : USA A, two-man team plays CANADA A, two-man team in an 18-hole, four-ball match with the winner being awarded 2 points; tie match 1 point to each team. Singles match winner will be awarded 2 points tie match 1 point.

Total possible points: 20 for Better Ball 20 for Foursomes and 40 for singles for a total of 80 pts. If there is a tie than each captain will pick one player to play sudden death playoff. After that the defending team will need to get ½ the points or 40 to retain the Cup. If the numbers of players are less than 20, Winning points will be set before start of Match.





Current USGA Rules of Golf will govern all matches. Understanding Rule 2(Match play) and Rule 30 (Four-Ball Match Play) is essential in comprehending the format of Team Play. The Rules of Golf may NOT be waived at any time. The penalty for waiving the Rules of Golf is disqualification for the player or team who is in violation of the rule.




Players competing in this event are reminded of Rule 2-5 of the USGA Rules of Golf which states that "in match play, if a dispute or doubt arises between the players on any point, in order that a claim may be considered it must be made before any player in the match leave the putting green. No later claim shall be considered unless it is based on fact, previously unknown to the player making the claim and the player making the claim had been given wrong information by an opponent. In any case, no later claim shall be considered after the results of the match have been officially announced. Please note once a valid and timely claim is made, players are to continue their match without delay. Do not wait for a decision.




In the Singles matches Players may not exchange advice. 





All players must play to a 100% course handicap to their handicap index of record for the last 12 months. The Handicap index or Factor will be taken on the 1st of the month in which the event is held. It is the Responsibility of the Team Captain to ensure the correct handicap is reflected. A Player must notify of any discrepancy before the start of the Can Am Fiji Cup. Once the event have commenced, any discrepancy is waived.




In the four-ball match, the lowest handicap player will play at scratch and the other players in the group will receive the difference in strokes as they fall on scorecard with a maximum allowance of four strokes. In the Foursomes match each teams players handicap will be added and then Divided by two and the team with the lowest handicap will play to scratch while the other team will receive the difference in strokes, with a maximum allowance of four strokes.


In all matches, the allocations of handicap strokes will be listed on the score card, regardless of the start hole.


In the individual match, the highest handicap player of the two players will receive the difference in strokes between his handicap and that of his opponent where the strokes fall on the scorecard. Maximum handicap differential will be six strokes between players.



In accordance with USGA Rule 6-2a, before the start of each match it us the responsibility of each individual player to ensure that his correct course handicap is being used for the competition and inform his opponent of the holes at which strokes are given or taken.


Penalty for playing to an incorrect handicap: If a player begins a match having declared a handicap (this includes an incorrect handicap listed on the match scorecard issued by the NAFGA) higher than that to which he was entitled and affects the number of strokes given or received, he is disqualified otherwise, the player must play off the declared handicap.




All players must be paired in course handicap sequence from low to high with the lowest handicap player listed first for each two-man team. The two lowest handicap players must be paired together and play as the number one team, the next two lowest handicap players remaining must be paired together and play as the number two team, etc.


A player shall not play at a handicap which is lower than the slope-adjusted handicap. An alternate therefore, may only be placed where such that his handicap maintains the proper handicap sequence for the team.


If players are not paired in handicap sequence according to the procedures outlined above and a protest is made by the opposing team, the individual and team in violation shall forfeit individual and team points won during the match (es) by the Player(s) to the opponent(s). Each Team will be allowed 2 alternates only.





Slow play is a recurring problem in team play. Unfortunately playing out of turn is not permitted in match play, thus eliminating many opportunities for ready golf. Nevertheless

Each player should manage his time efficiently between shots and should be ready to play when it is his turn. All groups should keep pace with the group in front of them. If they fall off that pace, players should make every effort to regain their position behind the group in front of them.




The use of mobile phones or a similar wireless device in the NAFGA competition is

Prohibited. Team Captains are responsible for ensuring compliance of their entire team with

This policy. If a player disregards this policy, he is subject to warning by the Team Play

Committee. If he subsequently disregards this policy, he is subject to disciplinary action by

The NAFGA, which may include ineligibility to play in the remaining match.


Additionally, the use of a mobile phone could constitute a breach of USGA Rule 14‐3 in the

Following ways:

‐ Using the device to watch or listen to a broadcast of the competition being played (or

Acquire information about the status of other matches),

‐ Using the device to ask for or give advice in breach of USGA Rule 8‐1 (Advice) or

‐ Using the device to access information on advice‐related matters that were not

Published prior to the start of his round (i.e., analysis of strokes made during the round).

Penalty for breach of USGA Rule 14‐3: Disqualification of the player (individual and team

Match) and his partner (team match only).


Please note that use of a cell phone is NOT a one‐stroke or loss of hole penalty. USGA

Decision 33‐8/6 states that a local rule assessing a penalty for a breach of a sportsmanship

Code or competition policy (e.g., use of a mobile phone) is not authorized.




Practice will not be allowed on the course on the day of the match prior to the beginning of the round. Penalty for violation of the rule: Disqualification of the player. Another player may be substituted in the players place in accordance with Match play rule.




All matches are to be played as scheduled unless the course is officially closed to all play because of inclement weather. Team Captains can mutually agree to postpone the match in advance of the start of play or during the course of the match due to actual or predicted unfavorable weather conditions.

Inclement weather: In event the course is officially closed to all play because of inclement weather during the progress of the matches, the following procedures will apply


1. The decision to officially close the course to all play shall be at the discretion of the course

    Management (Mallard Creek Golf Club)

2. All team members shall proceed to the club house and remain until the decision to close the

   Course is final.

3. Team Captain are to verify the results of each match up to the point when play has been

     Suspended and record and attest the scores prior to leaving the course.

4. If the course is closed to the use of golf carts, Matches will continue with the players walking.

5. Matches that have completed 12 holes will be official. The remaining will be considered null and void




Pramesh P Sharma USA & Ben Azad Canada will have a 10 YEAR TERM as trustee with a option to appoint another person trustee after completing the first six years of their tenure. In 2020 each country will elect new trustees. Trustees do not have voting powers. Their duties are to set up the Matches every two years; to sign contracts with golf courses on behalf of NAFGA, to maintain a Bank account and accounting of all funds and provide bi-annual Financial Statement to each shareholder club. Furthermore, their duties include promoting the event on behalf of NAFGA, obtaining sponsorship, and issuing out any disciplinary action to any player who violates any of the rules of the matches or at any time before or during the competition or due to Incidents of unbecoming conduct or actions deemed to be detrimental to the image of NAFGA or the spirit of the game are grounds for such removal and suspension from future NAFGA competition. All players should conduct themselves in a manner, always demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship. Unacceptable behavior is not just restricted to the course but also all areas of the Club premises and surrounds which includes:

· Throwing clubs

· Shouting, swearing or making unnecessary noise

· Damaging or littering the course

· Deliberately abusing, distracting or provoking fellow players, officials and staff

· Deliberately breaking the Rules of Golf

Each trustee is responsible for communication of any issues which may arise for His country. The Trustees then are responsible to iron out the details of any issues and present them for a vote of the shareholder clubs.





Local Rules Local Rules must conform with the USGA Rules of Golf. Any Local Rules

Which are to be in effect during Team Play must be published and distributed to all

Players in advance of the start of the match.


 Winter Rules In the event that a course has adopted a Local Rule for "preferred lies" or

"Winter Rules," it is recommended that this Local Rule be suspended during Team Play

Competition. If it becomes absolutely necessary to use "preferred lies," the procedure

Shall be determined by the NAFGA in advance of the start of the match. It is strongly

Recommended that the policy listed in Appendix I of the USGA Rules of Golf ("Preferred

Lies" and "Winter Rules") is used.


Distance measuring devices A player may obtain distance information by using a

Device that measures distance only (USGA Decision 14‐3/0.5). However; if, during a

Stipulated round, a player uses a distance‐measuring device that is designed to gauge or

Measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g., gradient, wind‐speed,

Temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of USGA Rule 14‐3, for which the penalty is

Disqualification of the player (individual and team match) and his partner (team match

Only), regardless of whether any such additional functions are actually used.





Players must be amateurs in good standing and must be listed continuously on the USGA and RCGA index report with established index from January 2013 to August 15 2014(only exception will be for new handicap registrants). Any player whose index is frozen or restricted 30 days prior to the match is not eligible to compete in 2014. Players must have an active established index in order to participate in Can Am Fiji Cup. Players whose files are not reflective of recent activity will be subject to review by Competition & Rules Committee before the matches begin. A player must be a resident of the country he is representing. Player communications to trustees are prohibited. They must communicate through the Club Representative. The only exception will be when a player has to answer to the trustees on a discipline charge.




Each Club belonging to a country is required to pay a onetime fee of $US250.This will entitle the club to vote on the agreement, Rules of Play and Representation. Votes of clubs will be effective upon a majority vote for any decision i.e. if one country has 3 paying clubs and another 5, the majority of 4 or more irrespective of the country will render the vote as accepted





If the players follow the guidelines in this manual, it will make the game more enjoyable for everyone. If a player consistently disregards these guidelines during a round or over a period of time to the detriment of others, it is recommended that the player be reported to the NAFGA Committee will take appropriate disciplinary action against the offending player. Such action may, for example, include prohibiting play for a limited time on the course or in certain number of competitions. This is considered to be justifiable in terms of protecting the interest of the majority of golfers who wish to play in accordance with these guidelines.



24. INITIAL PAID SHARE HOLDER CLUBS – Refer to Schedule ‘A’ of this agreement.


 SIGNED June 8th 2014  



PRAMESH P SHARMA                         BEN AZAD

Trustee USA                                            Trustee Canada

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